2008年10月26日 星期日

[英文]The Blair Witch Project


Oh, 真是一個好問題。
After Watching

I was totally uncomfortable after watching this horrible movie. Not only because I am really a coward, but because the movie was shot like a documentary, the screen was shamble all the while and it really made me feel dizzy. That was the two major reasons why I felt uncomfortable.

I mentioned that “I am really a coward” above, it’s true! When I was a child, my curiosity once encouraged me read a scary comic, it told about a dead woman in her back balcony. And people are hanged by the balloons which have the same face of themselves. Since then, I always scared about some terrible stories. Even the can scare me also! I know these horrible stories are all made up by human. But I’m so confuse that why people make these things to scare others? Is it that makes them happy to see people be scared? Their devil heart, people who act like a devil, that’s the fact, scared me.

In fact, this movie didn’t make any scene about the ghost or spirit. No scary sound effects or other artificial properties. Actually, maybe it just shot about three people lost in a forest. So what these people scared of? I think the fear killed them, scaring of the witch doesn’t exist. I don’t know. Maybe it’s just a coincidence that this three people lost in the forest which has a terrible tale, then they start to exchange angry words, they start to have unnecessary suspicions. They are even afraid of their own shadow! Or there has another scary possibility: the man, who disappeared, deliberately did this. He made up the stones around their camp; he disappeared on purpose; he sent the bloody thing to the girl; he cried for help at midnight and in the gloomy, ghastly, old house. If this guess is true, it will make this story much scarier. What a disgusting conduct!

A horrible story can’t make people be scared. Only the dread of people who want to hurt others can make a man really tremble because of fear.
還是介紹介紹小吃好了(投我所好 XD)。
