2008年11月12日 星期三


1-1The Idol Life: Entrepreneurial Geniuses
Milestone>>important event or achievement
Pathological>>a state of disease or illness; obsessive
Outsider>>not members of a group; very independent people
Double-edged>>having two sides, usually one positive, one negative
A handful of>>a few
Compelling>>forceful and persuasive
Cynicism>>negativity; thinking that people only do things for money or pleasure
Tenacity>>determination, or resolve
Ploy>>a trick, a maneuver to gain advantage or to disguise one’s true intent
Volatile>>unstable, likely to produce change or harm

1-2Job Interview Types
Screening>>looking carefully at someone in order to evaluate it
Out of the blue>>without warning; suddenly
Handy>>ready to hand; nearby (for reference)
Grace>>good will
Common ground>>agreement or understanding between two people
Front-runner>>a leading contender for a job or competition
Inconsistency>>a thing that is not matching, different from
Rapport>>a friendly, sympathetic relationship between people
Resume>>to begin again, restart
Sarcastic>>unkind, critical (comments, attitude)
Tact>>consideration, care in dealing with others, especially not to offend or shock

2-1Unmasking Virus Writers and Hackers
Venting one’s frustrations>>getting rid of feelings of anger or resentment
Solidly>>definitely, firmly
Counterculture>>a culture usually prevalent among young people, with values that oppose those of the establishment
Desensitization>>process of becoming less sensitive towards something
Assert>>to put oneself forth forcefully, become aggressive
Malicious>>evil, malevolent
Perpetrator>>a person who commit a crime
Predominately>>the majority
Rationale>>reason to do something, the purpose for an action
Relinquish>>to give up, hand over, to surrender
Replicate>>to make a copy of something, to reproduce

2-2Female Virus Writer Packs a Punch
Executable>>effective; able to perform and do the job for which it was designed
Flicking on>>switching on
Vandalism>>the act of destroying property for fun
Somersaults>>rolling the body over headfirst to land on the feet
Cordial>>warm, friendly
Cunning>>sly, shrewd
Decline>>to refuse, usually politely
Groom>>to keep tidy
Immaculate>>clean, spotless
Mangle>>to damage badly, to mutilate or deform
Play along>>pretend to agree

3-1Into the Heart of a Family in Casablanca
Apparently>>clearly, obviously; according to what is easy to see
Struck>>hit by an idea or awareness
Decipher>>to puzzle out, figure out the meaning of something
Exclaim>>to cry out or shout
Giggle>>to laugh in a silly, uncontrolled way, usually when nervous, amused, or embarrassed; titter
Heartily>>strongly, earnestly
Inquire>>to ask about something
Jaded>>tired, worn-out
Lapse>>to fall gradually
Pristine>>pure, especially in nature, unspoiled
Radiant>>having a bright shine, glowing

3-2Canaima: Eco-tours with Angels and Devils
Trajectory>>the path of something moving through space
Grab>>distinctive clothing
Inhibition>>restraint or reservation; feeling unable to express what one really thinks
Meridian>>invisible line or circle on the earth’s surface that passes through certain points
Prohibitively>>causing something to be impossible
Adverse to>>to be against, or not fond of
Awe-inspiring>>spectacular, amazing
Decked out>>be dressed up in
Eerie>>strange and frightening, weird
Endemic>>often found within a particular area or group of people
Exhilarating>>invigorating, enlivening
Lucid>>clear and easy to understand
Plummet>>to plunge; to go downward rapidly and far

4-1The Bell Witch
Stroke>>a blocked or broken blood vessel in the brain that causes a lack of muscle control, difficulty speaking, and some times death
In a stupor>>in a state of mental or physical inactivity
Vial>>a small glasses container, often holding medicinal liquid
Indifferent>>not caring, without feeling; apathetic
Nerve-racking>>stressful; causing fear and tiredness
Prevailing>>usual, frequent
Rouse>>to awaken and got up
Summon>>to call or send for
Taunt>>to tease with unkind remarks; to mock
Torment>>to make someone miserable, inflict cruelty
Vengeance>>bitter retaliation; a harmful act against someone who has done something wrong to you
